Apply for a Scholarship
WLCSRF’s goal is to help eliminate the need for student loans by providing scholarships that bridge the gap between the cost of college and other financial aid students receive. WLCSRF award amounts vary.
High school seniors and current college students pursuing a career in science, technology, engineering, math (STEM) or planning to teach a STEM subject can apply for The Johnson Moore-Glen STEM Scholarship Award.
Key eligibility requirements for WLCSRF awards include:
- Resident of Missouri’s 1st Congressional District (Enter zip code at top of page)
- Registered voter
- Full-time college enrollment
- Can provide ACT or SAT scores

Changes in the 2025-2026 Academic Year

Exciting change is on the horizon for the William L. Clay Scholarship & Research Fund. As we prepare to share details, early in 2025, scholarship applications are not being accepted.
Please visit My Scholarship Central to learn about and apply for hundreds of other Missouri scholarships.