The William L. Clay Scholarship & Research  Fund (WLCSRF) is  a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization incorporated in 1983 to provide a path to college for students  who have the ability and desire to pursue  a higher education but lack the necessary  financial resources to get there.

If America is to be prosperous and stay competitive, we must continue to improve educational opportunities for students of all ages,
William L. “Bill” Clay, Sr. – WLCSRF Founder

The William L. Clay Scholarship & Research Fund (WLCSRF) marks its 40 Anniversary next year

The William L. Clay Scholarship & Research Fund (WLCSRF) marks its 40 Anniversary this year! Please save the date and plan to join us Saturday, June 7, 2025, 6:00 – 10:00 pm, at the Missouri History Museum for a celebration of “Legacy, Learning & Uplift.” 

Our Focus

WLCSRF assists youth who  reside in St. Louis and other communities in the 1st Congressional District of  Missouri. Many WLCSRF scholars are the first in their  families to attend college.

WLCSRF awards four-year scholarships  for full-time study toward a bachelor’s degree. A STEM award is available to students already in college pursuing a career in science, technology, engineering, math; or preparing to teach a STEM subject.

Scholarship awards intend to eliminate the need for student loans by bridging the gap between higher education costs and other financial aid received.

Launched in 2023, the WLCSRF Youth Leadership Development program (WLCSRF-YLD) is an initiative to help youth envision & plan for a successful future, earlier. We want to complement the good work of community partners already in progress and proven effective. The long-term goal of the program is to grow our collective consciousness and collaborative action to renew hope, expand opportunities, and achieve transformational change for our children, families, and neighborhoods to make St. Louis a first-choice city.

Our mission

To provide scholarships & learning opportunities that get students to and through college and on path to a successful future.

4-year scholarships


40 Years serving the St. Louis community

100% Graduation Rate

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